Helping you Build products Clients WANT To Buy

Congrats for building a great product! But do your clients buy it? Do they use it? Do they see the benefits? I help you make sure that you build a product your clients buy and do not only find "interesting". 

The Client Disconnect

Why Great Companies Fail

Wasted Resources

Products built without a deep client understanding lead to features nobody needs. This results in wasted development time, money, and effort.

Missed Opportunities

When client feedback is ignored, products miss the mark on solving real client problems. This leads to missed opportunities for growth and customer acquisition.

Frustrated Clients

Products that are difficult to use or lack key features lead to frustrated and dissatisfied clients. This results in churn, negative reviews, and damaged brand reputation.

Feature Overload

Trying to be everything to everyone creates bloated, confusing products. Users struggle to find what they need, hindering adoption and impacting product value.

The Bridge to the other Side

Client-Centric InNOVATION

Customer Success

Maximize Client Retention & Advocacy via Strong Client Relationships
Are you a Startup/Scaleup and need help to setup and enable your team to maximize client retention and consistent revenue growth? I provide you with the relevant skills and strategy to do so.

Product Development

Build Products that Customers Care About and Are Willing to Invest In
Are you a Startup/Scaleup and need help to align your product to the needs and requirements of your clients? I help you align both so that you do not waste $$ developing the wrong features.

Product Marketing

Increase Product Adoption & Client Delight with the Right Storytelling
Are you a Startup/Scaleup and while you positioned your product well on the market you are still struggling with how to best communicate the benefits and value of your product? The let me help you.

Real Results

Success Stories

Frederike helped us as a SaaS start-up to level up our CS strategy and segmentation to respond right to market changes and focus on customer growth with the right core ICP customers. This resulted in a focused strategy & strong NRR growth rates.
Head of Customer Success
Product Launch - €10k
Developed A Customer Success School for Enterprise B2B SaaS Customer Success & Acount Management teams to improve client retention and revenue growth through hands-on, case-based skill training in small cohort groups.
Activities included:
* Market Analysis & User Research
* MVP Product Development
* Client Engagements & Relationship Management
* Product Launch
Frederike helped us with a deep market analysis and user research to gain a clear positioning & a more data-focused and client-centric product strategy & roadmap.
Product Validation
Market Analysis and User Interviews for the CreatorJourney Product.
* Market Analysis & User Research
* MVP Product Development
* Product Launch
Frederike and her partners helped us validate our segmentation strategy and bringing you very close to what's happening on the market.
Product Validation
Market Analysis and User Interviews for the NoCodeAILab Product.
* Market Analysis & User Research
* MVP Product Development
* Product Launch

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Let's Talk Client Centric Growth


Product & Stories Newsletter

I share insights, tips and tricks on client-centric innovation & product management.
* Product Management Tools & Tips
* How-To Guidelines
* AI-enhanced Product Strategies
* Case-Based Learnings
* Transferable CSM and PM Skills

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